Product Description
ACART (original ISBN 0934269327). An illiterate road grader driver in Sao
Paolo, Brazil was walking home from his bus from work late at night, and
was picked up by alien ETs as he crossed the field where the ETs were
gathering plants. He was taken aboard. Evidently, the ETs thought that the
field was his, and they took him so that he could show the ETs how best to
grow the crop. He explained that it was not his field, and he was not a
farmer, and knew nothing about growing the crop. The ET commander of the
mission explained this to his parent society when they arrived on the home
planet of Acart, and he was chastised for his mistake. A leader on Acart
apologised to Artur Berlet for their mistake, and promised to return him
as soon as he could, but that it would take a minimum of eight days to
prepare another expedition to return him to Earth. Meanwhile, Berlet was
to be a guest of the Acart government until he could be taken back. Berlet
lived in the home of one of the Acart leaders with the leader's family,
eating their food, wearing their clothes, drinking their water, and
sleeping in their beds. Upon his return, Berlet tried to write up all that
he could remember of the experience, and it filled eleven spiral bound
notebooks in cursive, from which this report has been taken.